How do I obtain permission to update...?
You can find out the main ways of obtaining particular Planet update permissions below. Staff are given permissions mainly by being assigned to one or more Staff groups, which then give them permissions to update specific sets of Planet screens.
In addition to the permissions types described below, there are also several detailed sorts of permission that allow you to carry out specific tasks. If you need information about any permission that is not covered on this page, please contact the Planet helpdesk.
Unit permissions administrator
Items, mailings and related screens
Module-qualification links
The Costing and Modelling Tool
Unit permissions administrator
If a member of staff wants permission to update groups of certain Planet screens, one of their Unit permissions administrators (UPAs) must do this for them by allocating them to a specific Staff group.
To find out who the UPAs for your Unit are, use screen PL063 Staff group permissions to find Staff group '025 (Unit) Permissions administrator'.
If you believe that you should be a Unit permission administrator, please contact the Planet helpdesk with details of your request, including an email authorising the allocation from your line manager.
- To become the Contact person for a module, ask your Unit permissions administrator to create or amend the module record using screen PL000.
- To obtain permission to update module information in Planet, without being the module contact person, ask the module contact person to give you permission using CS039.
Items, mailings and related screens
There are various different types of permissions for updating item and related screens. The list below describes these different permissions; they are all administered using Planet Staff groups, which are maintained in screen PL063 Staff group permissions. You should choose the permission type that is most relevant to your role on Planet - if you are unsure which permission type applies to you, please contact the Planet helpdesk.
- To find out who your Unit Permissions administrator is, use PL063 to display Staff group 025 ((Unit) Permissons Administrator.
- To get permission to update all item, mailing and schedule screens for modules within your unit (e.g. if you are a CAU PPA), ask your unit permissions administrator to add you to the 002 (Unit) Prod & Pres Admin staff group using screen PL063.
- If you only need to maintain item information for items owned by your unit (and not mailing and schedule information), you will need to be a member of the 004 (Unit) Item maintenance staff group.
To be added into the Item maintenance staff group for your unit, contact your Unit permissions administrator.
- If you need to update production actual dates against item schedules, or you need to maintain sub-item and schedule records and stock levels for the production of new impressions, you should be a member of the 006 (Univ) Sched & impression maintenance staff group. If you need to be added into this group, email the Planet helpdesk with the details of your request.
- Information about all qualifications on Planet is maintained by a qualifications administrator (staff group 009), who is assigned by the Planet system administrators. The qualifications administrator can have up to five deputies. If you believe that you should be the University's qualifications administrator on Planet, or a deputy, please contact the Planet helpdesk.
- Additional permission can be given to allow specific people to update individual qualifications. The qualifications administrator referred to above can assign this additional permission using CS052. If you believe that you should have permission to update a particular qualification record on Planet, please contact the Curriculum and Qualifications Office.
Module-qualification links
In order to update links between modules in your CAU and qualifications, you need to be a member of both the following staff groups for your unit:
- 020 (Unit) Curriculum Admin (new Planet)
- 001 (Unit) Curriculum Admin (old Planet)
To become a member of this staff group, contact your Unit permissions administrator.
There are three levels of permission for maintaining information related to subjects on Planet, and these are controlled through staff groups. You will need to be added into the appropriate staff group according to your role:
- The Communications Team staff group has permission to update Level 2 subjects, and links between these and Level 1 subjects, modules and qualifications. They can also approve links between level 2 subjects and modules / qualifications.
- The Curriculum and Qualifications Office staff group has permission to create Level 2 subjects, and links between them and Level 1 subjects. Members of this group can also create links between Level 2 subjects and qualifications.
- The Library (subjects) staff group can create and maintain Level 3 subjects, and links between them and Level 2 subjects and modules. Members of this group can also approve links between Level 3 subjects and modules.
If you need permission to update subject-related information, please contact the Planet helpdesk with details of your requirements.
The Costing and Modelling Tool
If you are a module contact person or a unit permissions administrator, your update permissions (e.g. for your module or unit) will automatically be carried forward to the Costing Tool and you won't need to arrange permission separately. Other permissions for the Costing and Modelling Tool are controlled using Planet staff groups.
- For modelling purposes (i.e. not for completing a module costing) within your CAU only, you will need to be in the Costing: modelling staff group for your unit. Your unit permissions administrator can arrange this for you, using screen PL063.
- If you need permission to carry out module costings, and use the modelling facilities, you will need to be in the Costing: all facilities staff group for your unit. Your unit permissions administrator can arrange this for you, using screen PL063.
- If you need to use the Costing Tool for modelling modules in more than one CAU, you will need to be in the Costing: modelling (University) staff group. If you need to be added to this staff group, please contact the Planet helpdesk.