Module-qualification links arise in a number of ways, but the most common is when a new module is having its specification developed and its CAU proposes that it be linked to an existing qualification. However the need for a new qualification-module link arises, it must be created on Planet and formally approved before it can transfer to CIRCE and become a reality for students.
CAU Curriculum Administrators can link an existing qualification to a module via one or more module-qualification groups. The link is created with a status of 'Proposed by module'. Following formal approval by the PVC (CA), the link is set to 'Approved' by the Qualifications Administrator in the Curriculum & Qualifications Office. The module specification approval report (REP03) displays any relevant qualification-module links.
Another way qualification-module links arise is as an integral part of a new qualification (or part qualification proposal). Also, the need to create a link between an existing module and an existing qualification might occur where a gap in current provision is discovered, possibly triggered by a student query or request.
To create links between a module and a qualification, please follow the instructions in the 'How to link modules to qualifications' guide.
Finally, it is possible to copy the module-qualification links from a 'parent' module to a 'child' module using the copy tool CS098, Copy module level data. However: