The Planet data check is a thrice-yearly exercise whereby Curriculum Managers are sent an Excel spreadsheet that highlights potential problems with the Planet records for their modules. After receiving the spreadsheet each module Contact Person should make any necessary amendments on Planet so that any incorrect data or omissions are rectified.
The data checking email goes to module Contact People three times a year (in March, June, & November) in order to make the following University processes possible:
On the first working day of each checking month, a ‘prompting’ email from the Information Office is sent to module Contact People, Curriculum Administrators and Senior Curriculum Managers, that explains the checking requirements. The deadline for completing the check and making any amendments is the 21st of that checking month.
The email includes a current overview spreadsheet, which contains:
After the deadline has passed, CAU monitor (Curriculum administrators and Senior Curriculum Managers) are sent a revised 'follow up' spreadsheet showing all unresolved problems, so that they can resolve them with the relevant Curriculum Managers.