How is the information on Planet used?
Planet data is used by OU units and systems to support module activities in two essential ways.
Approval purposes
- CAUs: to get early stage-gate approvals from external OU units (e.g. A6 approval from the Curriculum & Qualifications Office)
- Module Teams: to get other stage-gate approvals from external OU units (e.g. REP11 approval from Student Services)
- CAU deaneries: to get approval for Qualifications, that are subsequently transferred to CIRCE so students can link their modules to qualifications.
Operational purposes
- Prospectuses & Study at the OU require Planet module, presentation, subject and qualification data.
- CIRCE: student registrations and qualification transcripts require Planet module, presentation, qualification and specification data.
- Student mailings and contents checklists: the Warehouse requires Planet module, presentation and mailing data.
- Student number forecasts: the Forecasting Team require Planet module, presentation and initial CAU forecast data.
- The Library: requires Planet module, presentation and materials data to check stock.