If you have a question which is not covered here, please contact the Curriculum helpdesk.
I can't find the Vantage 'Qualification view' link
I can't see any Openings modules in this qualification's stage 0
A module title is worded differently on the Vantage Qualification View to the Planet Qual Summary
I can't see any versions in my qualification structure
Module next pres in my qualification structure does not match Planet
The last presentation for Openings modules is planned for 2014C (March 2014). It has been agreed that Openings modules will not be included in the Vantage undergraduate new framework qualification structures.
The Vantage Qualification View uses the module long title whereas the Planet Qual Summary uses the module short title. These usually only diverge where there is a title longer than 43 characters. Please check that the title is worded correctly by checking against the module long title on Planet screen PL002.
Variants on Vantage correspond to module versions on Planet, although there are some differences in the way that Vantage handles variants which provide key benefits in terms of efficiency. Usually on Vantage it will be the case that all the versions of a module will be bundled up in the handling of the parent and for this reason variants are not, by default, explicitly listed in the qualification structure. It is recognised that this will not be the case in all circumstances and you may, for example, have a specific regional version of a module which is required for some qualification specialisms. Please contact the helpdesk to discuss how these exceptional circumstances should be handled.
This may happen when you are checking a qualification structure in the same month as the presentation start of a module(s) in your structure. For example if today's date is 5th November 2013 and one or more of your modules has a presentation in 2013K, Planet will list the 13K pres as the next pres. Vantage counts the 13K pres as already started and will list the presentation following the 13K pres as the next presentation. Any other discrepancies should be reported to the helpdesk.