First, the Planet unit permissions administrator in a CAU sets up a module ‘skeleton record’ using screens PL000 and PL001. (You can find out who the unit permissions administrator for your CAU is in screen CS028.) This consists of a module code, some module details and the oucu of the Contact Person and Module Team Chair. The Contact Person can then complete the core screens for the module (PL002, CS007). The page on 'Module approval - what to do and when' provides further guidance on how to progress a module record through various approval stages.
Any new module record has to have a new module code, and module codes have up to 7 characters. There are from one to four letters followed by three numbers (e.g. ABCD 012). The alphabetical characters identify the academic unit(s) involved in the development of the module; the first alphabetical character designates the administering academic unit. You can find further information about module codes in the Curriculum Management Guide.
Module versions are ways of presenting a standard module in different ways to meet special requirements. To distinguish them from their ‘parent’ module, module version codes use a 'Y' or 'Z' (immediately after the first one or two letters designating the academic unit of the code is used) to indicate the difference. For example, BYG600, a version of B600 The capable manager, is presented to Prison Service staff. UZC206 is a special scheme where a version of U206 Environment is presented to students of the City University, Bratislava, in the Czech Republic. If you need advice on the selection of an appropriate module code for your module version, contact the Curriculum & Qualifications Office.
Once an appropriate code has been agreed for a module version, the Planet unit permissions administrator for that CAU should set up a skeleton record for it on Planet by using screens PL000 and PL001 with a Contact Person allocated to the record. After this point, the contact person should create and maintain the module version record by the completing the steps below, some of which involve using the copy tool screens CS098 and CS040. Please note that these copy tool screens do not (a) actively link the master and version modules in any way or (b) copy data between different editions of the same module.
It is likely that there will be some data in the newly-created version record that should not be an exact copy of the master record (e.g. there may be fewer presentations, or a different tuition strategy). These differences between masters and versions should be made clear on the module version using the relevant screens. For example, if the module version has a different presentation pattern, then PL019 should be amended.
The module version should then be approved and updated in the same way as for standard modules. Module version records will not be loaded onto CIRCE until they have achieved A6 status.