After items have been created using CS067, more detail about the type of item it is will need to be added at the item edition level, using a number of screens.
What are the item edition screens?
The Item edition print screen (CS080)
The Item edition broadcast, cassette, audio screen (CS081)
The Item edition computing screen (CS082)
The Item edition other materials screen (CS083)
Item edition (assemblies and bespoke packaging) (CS084)
The Item edition screens allow you to enter data about each individual edition of an item. They hold more detailed information than the Item screen. When you create an item, you also create the first edition record automatically and you can go to this if you click on the Item edition button at the bottom of the Item screen.
Information that is already on the item record is copied automatically onto the item edition record. When you are ready to create a second (or later) edition of the item, you use screen CS073 to do it.
There are five different Item edition screens, divided generally by medium. This is because the item edition record holds information about the item specification and production requirements. Which Item edition screen you see depends on the item type chosen when the item record is created.
Print (CS080) |
Includes main text and supplementary material and things like stop presses produced in the CAU. Bought-in print and free print items are also included, as are Unit Zeros. |
Broadcast/ cassette (CS081) |
Television and radio programmes, audio and video cassettes, audio CD. |
Computing (CS082) |
CD-ROMs, floppy disks, DVD, online items and software licences |
Other materials (CS083) |
Binders, jewel cases for CDs, minor bought-in items like plastic clips or pens – anything not falling into the major categories above. It includes slip cases, carry cases and other items regarded as packaging on SPI. |
Assemblies and Bespoke Packaging (CS084) |
Assemblies: groups of items sent as a single insert in a mailing. |
The first tab looks the same on each type of item edition record:
You can update more than one item edition record at a time by using the item edition multi-update tool (CS070). This allows you to change the content of specified fields for records of a single item type (e.g., all main text) on the module named in the header. Versions of the tool exist for main text, supplementary text, audio CD, audio cassette, video and broadcast.
When you enter any of the item edition screens, enter the module code or select a unit name and click on Retrieve. If there are any records of that particular item type already in Planet for your module, you will be presented with a selection list to choose from. If there are none, you will get a message to tell you that there are no records of this type for this module on Planet.
You can also go directly to the item edition record from the item screen by clicking on the Item edition button. If there is more than one edition, you will be shown a list of available editions and you can choose the one you want to look at by clicking on the hyperlink.
You can enter the public code directly into any of the Item edition screens without first having to use CS071 the Item search. So if you only know an item's supp code, you can enter this into the Item edition screen header and retrieve the correct edition.
The only thing to remember is that if you have both an item id and a public code in the header, Planet will look for the record that matches the item id, not the public code. If they are the same, you don't notice anything. But if they are different, you will retrieve the wrong record.
Any module code and edition impression information will be ignored, so you do not have to blank those out as well. You should, therefore, be able to find any record quickly by entering the public ode, blanking out the item id (if it is there) and clicking Retrieve.
The public code field accepts both 10 and 13 digit ISBNs and recognises that there can be two versions of the same number- an ISBN-10 version and an ISBN-13. However, you can only search for an item edition by entering the version that is on the system. So if there is an ISBN-10 recorded on Planet, you can only search the header using the ISBN-10.
If you think the version you have available (if you have the book itself, for example) is not the one on Planet, use CS071 which is able to convert one version into the other when doing a search, so you can find the correct record where the item has the ISBN-13 but the Planet record still has the ISBN-10.
The three-tab design allows you to see large amounts of information without having to move between screens. Only those tabs that are relevant to an item type will be available for use.
If you chose main text, supplementary text or CAU text, you will see this record. Header and item information are carried forward from the Item screen (CS067). The third tab (copublication) will only appear when the type is main text.
NB: if you save a new short or long title, this will not affect the item title. That will remain as you created it in the item record.
Overall status and overall first and last use |
Module materials approval status and first and last presentation on which this item edition is used. Unlike the similar fields on the Item screen which includes all editions of the item, these fields refer to the single edition in the header only. |
Type |
Shows the item type designated on the item record. Fills automatically from item record. |
Public code |
ISBN or supp or other OU identifiers. These change with each edition, so they appear on the edition record, not on the item record. |
First created for |
Tells which module or unit was the original owner of this item. If an item changes owner, the name or module code of its original owner remains on the record. |
Presentation specific |
From item record. For information. This field can only be changed on the Item screen. |
Module materials approval required |
From item record. This field can only be changed on the Item screen. |
Appropriate for module mailings |
From item record. This field disappears when the type is broadcast, online or software licence. It can only be changed on the Item screen. |
Edition long title |
Fills from the item record, but you can amend it to include up to 50 characters. This title will appear on the automatic contents checklist when that becomes available. |
Edition short title |
Fills from item record, but you can change it if there are changes to the title for each edition. |
Copublished |
For main text or computing. Is this item edition being published in partnership with another publisher? For other types, you cannot put the cursor in this field. |
Returnable and durable |
Is this an edition of an item that must be returned to the University? Both markers default to N as returnable and durable are characteristic of kit items, not of the majority of module items. If you do have returnable and durable items, change the letter to Y. Items can be returnable and not durable, but not the other way around. |
Origin |
A drop down list allowing you to indicate whether an item edition is produced by the OU completely, partly or not at all, i.e., bought in. |
Origin details |
Text box allowing you to elaborate on origin. |
Appropriate for e-text use |
A marker to indicate whether the item is appropriate for use on a module website. Initially Y or N is entered on CS067 when the print item is created. However, it can only be changed on CS080. |
Budget centre/ |
Planet only asks you to choose, from a drop down list, a nominal code that is specific to the item type you have chosen. When you save the record, the correct budget centre will appear. |
Master version item id/edition number |
You can link this record to another one to show that the two are related (e.g., hardback and paperback versions, web and print versions). |
Version details |
Anything you want to say about the relationship between versions. If you are linking versions, you must fill in this field. |
Other versions of this item edition |
Lists any other items for which this edition is the master. |
Modules using this item edition |
Shows a list of modules using this edition. It is specific to this edition rather than inclusive of all editions, as on the Item screen. |
Assembly packs using this item edition |
Gives a list of assembly packs using this item edition when the edition is part of an assembly. The item id/edn number is a link to the assembly item edition record. This line only appears when the item edition is part of an assembly. |
If the item is being produced by LTS, you might be asked to complete these specification fields. If so, you can do this by keying in information (number of pages, number of words) and by choosing from the drop down lists which give you the current University options for format and colour, cover and binding.
You can add any other details in the item specification details text box.
Specification information may not be available or confirmed when the item records are first created or even when much of the information on the basic data is certain, so the specification fields are optional. They can be filled in as the information becomes available. In order to keep an ‘audit trail’ of changes to the specification, you can run the specification version of REP04 to document changes as they happen.
If several items have the same specification, use the multi-update tool CS070, where this is available, to input specification information and also to update it.
Number of pages |
The number of pages expected, as an estimate, for the whole item edition. |
Number of words |
The number of words expected, as an estimate, for the whole item edition. |
Format and colour |
A drop down list giving the current University options. |
Cover |
A drop down list giving the current University options for cover production. |
Binding |
A drop down list giving current binding types available. |
This tab only appears when an item edition is copublishable, i.e., Main text, CD ROM and DVD only.
If you have said that this edition was not copublished, and you enter academic unit approval dates or Collaborative Publishing Advisory Group approval dates, Planet will change the copublished marker on the basic data tab to Y.
If you have said that the item edition was to be copublished and you've entered n/a in the date fields, Planet will warn you and save these as blanks. N/a is valid only when the copublished marker is N.
Copublication information |
A Word document with headings relevant to copublication. Click on the HTML icon to see it. Use the standard Planet method for completing Word documents and sending them back to the system. |
Academic unit approval date |
When did the unit approve the application to copublish? |
Collaborative publishing committee approval date |
When did the Collaborative Publishing Advisory Group approve the application? |
The basic data tab is nearly the same for all item types. You can look back at the instructions for CS080 to see how to fill in the information. There are, however, the following distinctions:
Length |
The length in minutes of the radio, TV programme or cassette. |
Number of transmissions |
How many times it this programme expected to be aired over the life of the module? |
Non-standard packaging |
Is there anything about the packaging that is unusual? If the answer is no, you can leave it blank. |
Non-standard packaging details |
If you have answered yes, above, you must give details. You cannot save Yes without giving additional information. |
(These standards may be subject to change.)
This is the basic data tab for CD-ROMs, floppy disks, online items and software licences. You can look back at the instructions for CS080 to see how to fill in the information.
For online and software licences returnable and durable are blank and cannot be changed.
LTS-produced: this marker is for online items only as it is used by LTS to determine which online items need scheduling for internal production. You should not attempt to complete this field for any other item type.
NB: Software licences for commercial software sent to students as part of module materials are created on Planet by LTS Logistics who contact the relevant PPA to add the licence to the relevant mailing. The purpose of this is to allow an accurate count of licensed software elements being sent to students. The software licence shown on the mailing inventory does not appear on the contents checklist because it is part of an accounting procedure and not a physical item sent to students.
There is only one nominal code option for most computing item types. Planet will give you the right one as default. Online items do not require a nominal code so this field is not available.
Licences required |
Are there any licences required for software you are using? |
Number of transmissions |
How many times is this programme expected to be aired over the life of the module? |
Non-standard packaging |
Is there anything about the packaging that is unusual? |
Non-standard packaging details |
If you have answered yes, above, you must give details. You cannot save Yes without giving additional information. |
Complete the entry boxes for your item as indicated.
Copublication information |
A Word document with headings relevant to copublication. Click on the HTML icon to see it. Use the standard Planet method for completing word documents and sending them back to the system. |
Academic unit approval date |
When did the unit approve the application to copublish? |
Collaborative publishing Advisory Group approval date |
When did the Collaborative Publishing Advisory Group approve the application? |
This copublication tab is like the copublication tab on CS080. Copublication is an option for CD-ROM and DVD only.
If you have said that this edition was not copublished, and you enter academic unit approval dates or Collaborative Publishing Advisory Group approval dates, Planet will change the copublished marker to Y.
If you have said that the item edition was to be copublished and you've entered n/a in the date fields, Planet will warn you and save these as blanks.
N/a is valid only when the copublished marker is N.
Other materials include kit items, binders, CD cases, pens and other items that do not fit into the print, broadcast and computing categories. There is no copublication.
With the single exception below, the basic data tab is like the other Item edition screens. Use the instructions for CS080 as a guide if you need further help.
Instead of a co-publication marker, CS083 has space for you to indicate whether a manufacturing specification is required. Enter Y or N. |
If you answer Yes to manufacturing specification required, the draft specification must be considered by the Health and Safety in Teaching Committee before being submitted to the manufacturer.
Entry boxes refer mainly to kit items. Complete these when appropriate.
electrical/non-electrical |
Is the item electrical? If so, choose mains or battery operated from the drop down list. |
chemicals |
Does the item comprise or contain chemicals? If the module contains chemicals, it needs a COSHH assessment and the Chemical Specialist needs to be contacted. |
Chemicals quantity |
If you have chemicals, this field is for the quantity and unit of each chemical component. You can only use it if you have put Y in the Chemicals field. |
Chemicals concentration |
Indicate the concentration of chemicals here if you have put a Y in the Chemicals field. |
Chemicals comments |
Use this for any other relevant information about chemicals, for example, details of the experiment/activity in which the chemical is used. |
Use outside the UK |
Is the item for use outside the UK? A mains electrical item might be used in the UK, but a substitute item (a version of it) which is battery operated might be required for non-UK use. |
The assembly item edition record is the ‘assembly item’ that is used to represent an assembly in a mailing. It needs to be created before the assembly can be populated using CS068. See the section of CS068 for further details.
Bespoke packaging refers to a specific kind of cardboard packaging, meeting EU standards, used for kits and some other materials imprinted with the module code (hence, bespoke). It does not include binders, slip cases or other specially designed cases for module materials. The single screen is like the basic data tab of other Item edition screens.
Returnable and durable do not default to N for Bespoke packaging. Enter Y or N. If durable is Y, returnable must also be Y.
Manufacturing specification required |
Instead of a co-publication marker, CS083 has space for you to indicate whether a manufacturing specification is required. Enter Y or N. |
If you answer Yes to manufacturing specification required, the draft specification must be considered by the Health and Safety in Teaching Committee before being submitted to the manufacturer
The ability to link records together can be very useful in keeping track of different versions of one item. If, for example, you have a hardback and paperback version of an item or if you have both website and hard copy versions of a particular supp, you may want to remind yourself that both versions exist when you are thinking about updating the item. There is no limitation on the types of items you can link together. Only Bespoke packaging cannot have versions.