There are many items that are used by more than one module, and these are linked by the creation of an item edition use record. The entire range of presentations that an item is used by modules is an item edition use period.
What is an item edition use record?
When a normal module item is created, it automatically has an 'ownership' record that shows which module owns the item. But for an item to be made available for inclusion in a module mailing, a more detailed item edition use record must be also created by a PPA. The use record shows which module can use the item, and for which presentations (its 'use period').
However, some items are not owned by individual modules but are owned by units. Admin items are unit-owned (e.g. TMA forms are owned by Exams and Assessment) and are maintained by admin item administrators in that unit. But the item edition use record for an admin item is not created by the admin unit.
The use record is created later when PPAs begin to link their modules to the admin item and specify the use period for which the module will use the admin item. This will, for most admin items, happen for a large number of modules. From all these multiple use periods, Planet will calculate the overall use period of the item and display it in CS067. CS067 will also display the modules using the item, and for what individual use periods.
So what happens when an admin item changes and has to stop being used by modules ahead of their 'Final use' dates? Or when a new admin item should start being used by modules? These processes are currently managed by the Project Support Office, who co-ordinate the announcements to PPAs that admin items (or 'generic items') must start or stop being used on a certain presentation. The relevant PPAs then amend the use records for their modules accordingly.
Where a text item has multiple use as a print item to go into a physical mailing and as an electronic document to go on a website, Planet creates two Use records for that item to allow both versions to be put into mailings. The print item goes into the inventory for a physical mailing sent from the warehouse; the e-text version goes into a virtual inventory used by LTS to determine what goes onto a module website.